💰xSHADOW Revenue Distribution

During epoch 0, since there is no pre-voting, all trading fees will be rolled into Epoch 1.

Weekly Epochs: SHADOW incorporates the traditional weekly epoch cycle, where users vote to direct emissions on a weekly basis.

Vote Incentives: Users earn voting incentives immediately after the epoch flips on Thursday of each week. Voters that vote on a liquidity pair recieve 100% of voting incentives provided to that pair. For example, if there is a 1000 USDC incentive on a pair, and the pair receives votes from only a single voter, that voter would receive 1000 USDC claimable when the next epoch begins on Thursday at 0:00 a.m. UTC.

Swap Fees: Voters also earn a share of trading fees in real-time throughout the week, based on the pool(s) they voted for before the epoch flips. These are pushed on a regular cadence permissionlessly when the applicable fee threshold is achieved.

Early Exits: xSHADOW introduces a "PvP Rebase" system, addressing the traditional veTOKEN model's lack of an exit mechanism. Instant exits are streamed back to xSHADOW holders in real-time.

Conversions: Converting xSHADOW to SHADOW involves a vesting process where the conversion ratio increases with longer vesting periods. Should a user opt for a vesting duration less than the maximum, the excess SHADOW is redistributed back to xSHADOW holders.

Last updated